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Central African Republic: UN Warns Rebel Groups Against Disturbing Electoral Process

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic popularly known by its French acronym MINUSCA has warned rebel leaders in the country against the continued disruption of the electoral registration process.

Speaking during a press conference in the Central African Republic capital Bangui, on Wednesday, the MINUSCA spokesperson Mr Vladimir Monteiro warned that the United Nations Organisation would no longer tolerate the continued perturbation of electoral registration operations by the Retour, Réclamation et Réhabilitation (3R) led by Abass Sidiki and the l’Unité pour la paix en Centrafrique – Union for Peace in the Central African Republic – (UPC) led by Ali Darassa.

The two rebel groups have been disrupting electoral registration operations in the prefectures of Ouham-Pende, Nana-Mambere and Ouaka by chasing away electoral registration agents from localities in the area.

According to the MINUSCA spokesperson, since the beginning of the electoral registration process in the provincial villages, thirteen enrolment centres have been perturbed by fighters of the UPC and the 3R rebel groups in Ouham-Pende and Ouaka.

Mr. Vladimir Monteiro said MINUSCA is determined to ensure the protection of registration agents in the risky zones in order for the registration operations to succeed within the deadline set by the National Elections Authority.

“As concerns the electoral process, the forces of MINUSCA and the National Elections Authority are currently working to ensure the security of registration agents in the zones where the enrolment of electors did not take place. 

MINUSCA recalled that it would no longer tolerate any obstacle to the operation of registration of electors and puts on notice all armed groups which have been threatening and perturbing the process”, the MINUSCA spokesperson declared.

Mr. Vladimir Monteiro added that “MINUSCA is launching a new appeal to Ali Darassa to also put an end to the distabilisation activities and the expansionist policies of his movement the UPC”.

It should be recalled that the 3R group led by Abass Sidiki has been stopping electoral registration agents from carrying out their activities in several localities within the Ouham-Pende and Nana-Mambere prefecture especially in Koui, Ngaoundaye, Aba and Besson. 

UPC combatants have on their part been ambushing and kidnapping electoral registration agents within areas under their control.

Last July, MINUSCA troops and soldiers of the Central African Republic national army launched a military operation dubbed “Ala Londo” against 3R movement emplacements in the prefectures of Nana-Mambere and Ouham-Pende. Many localities hitherto in the hands of the rebels were recaptured as most of the rebels disappeared into nature.

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Chief Bisong Etahoben

Chief Bisong Etahoben is a Cameroonian investigative journalist and traditional ruler. He writes for international media and has participated in several transnational investigations. Etahoben won the first-ever Cameroon Investigative Journalist Award in 1992. He serves as a member of a number of international investigative journalism professional bodies including the Forum for African Investigative Reporters (FAIR). He is HumAngle's Francophone and Central Africa editor.

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