
Central African Republic Seeks Improved Military Cooperation With Cameroon

The Central African Republic and Cameroon have existing military cooperation which they want to reinforce, especially in the areas of peacekeeping.

The Government of the Central African Republic is looking at the possibility of reinforcing its military cooperation with Cameroon, the country’s Minister of Defence said. 

Rameaux-Claude Bireau said during a meeting on Tuesday, June 21, with his Cameroonian counterpart, Joseph Beti Assomo, in Bangui, that they would like to see military cooperation between the two countries reinforced especially in the domain of peacekeeping.

Cameroonian forces have been deployed on several occasions within the context of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA).

The defence ministers also reviewed the security situation along their shared border, marked by multiple acts of banditry, infractions by armed gangs, attacks by highway robbers, arms trafficking and illegal exploitation of natural resources.

A senior Cameroonian military officer, Gen. Martin Chomu Tumenta, was appointed Commander of MINUSCA on July 30, 2014, and died on November 30, 2015.

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Chief Bisong Etahoben

Chief Bisong Etahoben is a Cameroonian investigative journalist and traditional ruler. He writes for international media and has participated in several transnational investigations. Etahoben won the first-ever Cameroon Investigative Journalist Award in 1992. He serves as a member of a number of international investigative journalism professional bodies including the Forum for African Investigative Reporters (FAIR). He is HumAngle's Francophone and Central Africa editor.

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